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27 | II Série A - Número: 001 | 16 de Setembro de 2010

e) Voto no domicílio — realizado apenas no dia da eleição por motivos de saúde ou por um outro motivo válido; f) Voto no estrangeiro (apenas possível nas eleições legislativas, para o Parlamento Europeu e nos referendos) — pode ser realizado através de voto postal, de voto numa representação diplomática ou através de voto electrónico.

A base legal para levar a cabo todos estes métodos de votação está nas seguintes leis:

— Lei Eleitoral para o Parlamento (Riigikogu) (Capítulos VII e VIII)32; — Lei Eleitoral para a Assembleia do Governo Local (Capítulo VII)33; —- Lei Eleitoral para o Parlamento Europeu (Capítulos VII e VIII)34; — Lei do Referendo (Capítulos VII e VIII)35.

Finlândia: Está legalmente permitido o voto antecipado, nos termos da lei eleitoral36. É o artigo 46.º do Election Act (714/1998; amendments up to 218/2004 included) que determina que todos os recenseados com capacidade eleitoral o podem fazer37.

França: Em França não existe previsão legal que possibilite ao eleitor recenseado votar antecipadamente. O Código Eleitoral prevê, nos seus artigos L71 a L7838, o voto por procuração.

Holanda: Ao abrigo do Act of 28 September 198939 containing new provisions governing the franchise and Elections, que regula as eleições, os eleitores votam na assembleia de voto que lhes está atribuída40. Está previsto o voto por procuração41 e por via postal42.
Itália: 32 http://arnet/sites/DSDIC/DILP/DILPArquivo/Notas_Tecnicas/PPL_164_X/Estonia_1.docx 33 http://arnet/sites/DSDIC/DILP/DILPArquivo/Notas_Tecnicas/PPL_164_X/Estonia_2.docx 34 http://arnet/sites/DSDIC/DILP/DILPArquivo/Notas_Tecnicas/PPL_164_X/Estonia_3.docx 35 http://arnet/sites/DSDIC/DILP/DILPArquivo/Notas_Tecnicas/PPL_164_X/Estonia_4.docx 36 http://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/1998/en19980714.pdf 37 Chapter 5 — Advance voting Section 46 — Right to vote in advance Every enfranchised person is entitled to vote in advance in the general advance voting polling stations in Finland and in the Finnish diplomatic missions abroad.
An enfranchised person who is in hospital, in a facility with round-the-clock treatment care or in any other operational unit of social services designated by the municipal executive board as an advance polling station, or in prison, may vote in advance in the said institution. An enfranchised person who is member of the crew on a Finnish ship may vote in advance on board the ship while it is in foreign waters.
Enfranchised persons whose ability to move or function is limited to the degree that they are unable to come to the polling or advance polling station without undue hardship, may, pursuant to the provisions in section 55, vote in advance at home in the Finnish municipality which has been registered as their municipality of residence in the voting register.
TA000006164059&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070239&dateTexte=20100910 39 http://www.lexadin.nl/wlg/legis/nofr/eur/lxwened.htm#Electoral%20Law 40 Section J 5 - Voters shall vote in the polling station of the polling district designated for them.
41 CHAPTER L - Voting by proxy § 1 General provisions Section L 1 A voter who does not expect to be able to vote in person may vote by proxy 42 CHAPTER M - Voting by post § 1 General provisions: postal voting in the municipality of The Hague Section M 1 - In an election to the Lower House, a voter who has his actual place of residence outside the Netherlands on nomination day or who will be outside the Netherlands on polling day on account of his profession or work or on account of the profession or work of his spouse, partner or parent, shall, at his request, be allowed to vote by post in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.