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Article II


For purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

a) "Classified information" means:

i. For the Portuguese Republic (Portugal), information, regardless of its form, nature, and means of transmission, determined, in accordance

with the respective Law in force, to require protection against

unauthorised disclosure and which has been marked with the

appropriate security classification level;

ii. For the United States of America (the United States), classified national security information determined pursuant to Executive Order

13526, as amended, or any predecessor or successor order to require

protection against unauthorized disclosure and marked to indicate its

classified status when in documentary form.

b) "Correcting information" means any information that is intended to correct a misidentification of a person’s terrorism screening information or any other

error in data provided under this Agreement;

c) "Need to know" means that an authorized holder of information within a relevant Authority has concluded that a prospective recipient requires access to

specific information in order to perform or assist in a lawful and authorized

governmental function related to the purposes of this Agreement;

d) "Providing Party" means, with regard to information provided under this Agreement, Portugal or the United States, as the case may be;

e) "Receiving Party" means, with regard to information received under this Agreement, Portugal or the United States , as the case may be;

f) "Relevant Authority" means any intelligence, law enforcement, immigration

and public security authorities of the respective Parties including, for the United

States, any Federal, State, local, territorial or tribal governmental authority, that

may have officials who have access to information provided under this

Agreement or that may be asked, in the event of an encounter as described in

Article VIII, to provide additional information or take other actions to assist in

accomplishing the stated purposes of this Agreement;

g) “Known terrorist”

(i) for the United States: An individual who:

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