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Article VIII

Procedures for Encounters

1. A Party that encounters a potential match shall notify the other Party through

the designated contacts for encounters within 24 hours. The Parties agree,

however, that such notice may not be feasible in some limited cases.

2. Upon notification of a potential match, the Providing Party, through its point

of contact for encounters, within the limits set forth in article X and as permitted

by its internal law, shall endeavor to:

- assist in confirming whether the individual is a match;

- provide immediately releasable additional unclassified information to the

Receiving Party;

- request that Relevant Authorities of its government provide additional

unclassified information to the Receiving Party.

- coordinate operational responses between the Participants and/or Relevant

Authorities of the two governments.

3. The Providing Party may request that the Receiving Party takes or refrains

from taking action with respect to the encountered individual. The Receiving

Party shall consider, as permitted by its internal law, such requests as well as

any additional unclassified information provided by the Providing Party.


Use and Protection of Information

Article IX

Accuracy of Information

1. The Receiving Party shall use the most current terrorism screening information it receives from the Providing Party under this Agreement to

conduct terrorism-related screening.

2. The Receiving Party shall expeditiously update its records (i.e., correct, modify or delete) once notified of a change to an individual's watchlist status.

3. The Receiving Party agrees not to use or rely upon information received under this Agreement, or derivatively-created information, when it has been

superseded by new information or if this Agreement is terminated, except as

provided in the 3rd sentence of paragraph 1 of article V.

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