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7. Complaints presented to Portugal should be translated into English before

transmission and shall be transmitted to the redress point of contact for the

United States.

8. Complaints presented to the United States should be translated into

Portuguese before transmission and shall be transmitted to the redress point

of contact for Portugal.


Final Provisions

Article XV

Relationship to Other Instruments

1. The provisions of this Agreement are not intended to prejudice or restrict any

other instrument between the Parties, including those related to law

enforcement, exchange of information or counterterrorism efforts.

2. This Agreement shall neither give rise to rights on the part of any private

persons, nor expand or limit rights otherwise available to each Party’s

nationals under its respective domestic laws.

Article XVI


The Parties shall consult regularly through their points of contact to promote

the most effective implementation of this Agreement.

Article XVII

Settlement of Disputes

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the present

Agreement shall be settled through negotiation via diplomatic channels.

Article XVIII


1. The present Agreement may be amended by written request of one of the

Parties and upon written consent by the other Party.

2. The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the terms

specified in Article XX of the present Agreement.

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