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between the Parties.

Article XI

Security of Information

1. Each Party shall use appropriate electronic security safeguards to control access, data support, insertion, handling, transmission and transportation of

the information obtained under this Agreement.

2. Each Party shall use the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect against unauthorized access and input of data, loss, corruption,

misuse, accidental or unauthorized destruction, modification or disclosure

and any other form of illicit processing of information obtained under this

Agreement; these measures shall ensure a level of security adequate to the

nature of the data and the risks presented by its processing.

3. Each Party shall use appropriate electronic and physical security safeguards to control access to information obtained under this Agreement and, at all

times, shall store such information in a secure storage system in accordance

with its domestic law.

Article XII

Oversight and Monitoring

1. Each Party shall monitor its respective compliance with the provisions of this

Agreement pertaining to the protection of information and shall communicate

with the other Party, as appropriate, regarding protection and security


2. Each Party shall use its best efforts to ensure that all personnel with access

to information obtained under this Agreement are trained in the safeguards

required to protect the information.

3. Each Party shall keep a record of the entities and individuals permitted

access to the other Party's information and shall report to the other Party

any attempts to gain inappropriate access to or inappropriately use or

disclose information provided by the other.

4. Each Party shall keep an audit record regarding when information obtained

under this Agreement was received, how long such information was held and

how it was used consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and shall

make such information available to the Providing Party, if requested. Each

Party shall ensure that the audit record tracks which entities have had access

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