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Assunto: Resposta ao requerimento n.° 158/VI (l.!)-AC, da Deputada Isabel Castro (Os Verdes), sobre o acordo da exploração de petróleo e gás na zona do mar de Timor.

Junto tenho a honra de remeter, em anexo, a V. Ex.9 fotocópia da Declaração sobre Timor Leste adoptada pelos Ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros dos Doze no passado dia 3 de Dezembro, a fim de serem levados ao conhecimento da Sr.' Deputada Isabel Castro os exactos termos em que foi decidida a futura revisão da cooperação entre a Comunidade e a Indonésia, na sequência do massacre cometido em Dfli (Timor Leste) no dia 12 de Novembro de 1991.

Pelo Chefe do Gabinete, (Assinatura ilegível.)

ANEXO Declaration on East-Timor

The Community and its Member Stales reviewed the situation in East Timor in the light of the latest reporting available as well as the decisions of the Government of

Indonesia to set up a commission to investigate the violent incidente of Dili that cost the life of many innocent and defenceless citizens.

They reiterate their condemnation of these unjustifiable actions by the armed forces of Indonesia.

The Community and its Member States stressed once again the paramount importance they attached to the full respect of human rights as expressed in particular in the declaration of the European Council of Luxembourg on 25/26 June 1991.

They also stress in this respect the importance of the resolution and the regulation adopted by the Development Council on human rigths, democracy and development of 28 November 1991.

They call upon the Indonesian authorities to respond to the serious concorns expressed by the international community. They support the demands for a thorough and credible investigation by impurtial and independent experts.

The Community and its Member States will review the cooperation between the European Community and Indonesia in lhe light of the above mentioned orientations and regulation, and taking into account the response of the Indonesian authorities.

The Community and its Member States stress their support for a just, comprehensive and internationally acceptable settlement of the East Timor issue, respecting the principles of the United Nations Charter, and taking into account the need to defend human rights and