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15 DE MAIO DE 2023


La compétence universelle demeure l'une des seules possibilités de traduire en justice les auteurs de crimes

commis contre les femmes ukrainiennes.

Ces initiatives doivent, selon nous, être soutenues et se multiplier pour tous les États membres du Conseil de



Impacto ambiental dos conflitos armados (Doc. 15 674). Foram adotadas a Recomendação 2246 (2023)

e a Resolução 2477 (2023), a 25 de janeiro.

Na sequência do debate com base no relatório do Deputado John Howell (Reino Unido, CE/DA) foram

aprovadas uma resolução e uma recomendação que sustentam que o conflito armado deixou «cicatrizes

profundas no espaço de vida humano», minando o direito a um ambiente saudável. Tais danos são

«multifacetados, severos, duradouros e na sua maioria irreversíveis». Refere ainda que o Conselho da Europa

deveria assumir a liderança na criação de novos instrumentos jurídicos para evitar danos ambientais durante os

conflitos armados e reduzir o mais possível a sua gravidade.

O Deputado Nuno Carvalho (PSD) participou no debate com a seguinte intervenção:

Thank you, Mister President.

The impact of these situations in war is huge concerning all the

devastation that we may see in the future regarding crops that no longer

exist, regarding water that is no longer drinkable, but the main issue here is

to prevent these situations. The main issue here is, also, to uncover what

these impacts might do in the future but condemning now these same

impacts of these crimes that are made in war.

The fact is that we can see devastations of all these impacts in terms of

the economy, in terms of the recovering of the of the social structure of

countries that are affected by war. This is a very, very important manner,

because not only does it change the faces of countries that are affected by them, it changes the societies because

the impacts are in several sectors.

It is very very important for us to eliminate this gap and to tackle this problem right now, because the footprint

that we assist, that we see in the future, is huge. It goes on for a long, long time; it affects several generations.

We might think that we only see the impacts of war in the first impact that we can see through all the hours

that affect directly people. Environmental acts, criminal environmental acts, that are driven by war are also

something that absolutely smashes a society, that eliminates the opportunity of recovery. As I said, we are talking

about the economy. We are talking about the future in terms of food production. We are talking about what is

essential for a country to exist. If you withdraw what is essential for a country, you also withdraw the character of

a country. You also withdraw the identity of the country.

In that way, this is something that affects and impacts all sectors that you might imagine of what makes us a

country, of what makes us a culture.

I congratulate the rapporteur for this report because what we are discussing now is something that we now

feel, now know. Most of all, it is not only debating what we can save of the planet. We need to debate what we

have lost to make sure that we will not keep losing. In times of war, we cannot forget the impact on the


Thank you very much.


Debate de atualidade

O debate sobre as recentes tensões entre Pristina e Belgrado foi solicitado pelo Deputado John Howell (Reino