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nele contido, o que terá de ser realizado através de legislação complementar.

Por isso, o projecto prevê no artigo 37.° a necessidade de publicação de diplomas complementares necessários à sua execução.

9 — Articulação com politicas comunitárias envolvidas

Não tem envolvidos aspectos de articulação com políticas comunitárias.

10 — Outros elementos convenientes de enquadramento político-legislativo

Não se conhecem outros elementos convenientes de enquadramento político-legislativo.



Nos termos da alínea d) do n.° 1 do artigo 200.° da Constituição, o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República a seguinte proposta de resolução:

Artigo único. É aprovada, para ratificação, a Convenção para a Salvaguarda do Património Arquitectónico da Europa, assinada em Granada, a 3 de Outubro de 1985, cujo texto original em inglês e francês e respectiva tradução para português seguem em anexo à presente resolução.

Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 23 de Agosto de 1990. — Pelo Primeiro-Ministro, Fernando Nogueira. — O Ministro dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Dias Loureiro. — O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, João de Deus Pinheiro.


The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto:

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose, inter alia, of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage;

Recognising that the architectural heritage constitutes an irreplaceable expression of the richness and diversity of Europe's cultural heritage, bears inestimable witness to our past and is a common heritage of all Europeans;

Having regard to the European Cultural Convention signed in Paris on 19 December 1954 and in particular to article 1 thereof;

Having regard to the European Charter of the Architectural Heritage adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 26 September 1975 and to Resolution (76) 28, adopted on 14 April 1976, concerning the adaptation of laws and regulations to the requirements of integrated conservation of the architectural heritage;

Having regard to Recommendation 880 (1979) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the conservation of the European architectural heritage;

Having regard to Recommendation no. R (80) 16 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the specialised training of architects, town planners, civil engineers and landscape designers, and to Recommendation no. R (81) 13 of the Committee of Ministers, adopted on 1 July 1981, on action in aid of certain declining craft trades in the context of the craft activity;

Recalling the importance of handing down to future generations a system of cultural references, improving the urban and rural enrivonment and thereby fostering the economic, social and cultural development of States and regions;

Acknowledging the importance of reaching agreement on the main thrust of a common policy for the conservation and enhancement of the architectural heritage;

have agreed as follows:

Definition of the architectural heritage

Article 1

For the purposes of this Convention, the expression «architectural heritage» shall be considered to comprise the following permanent properties:

1) Monuments: all buildings and structures of conspicuous historical, archaeological, artistic, scientific, social or technical interest, including their fixtures and fittings;

2) Groups of buildings: homogeneous groups of urban or rural buildings conspicuous for their historical, archaeological, artistic, scientific, social or technical interest which are sufficiently coherent to form topographically definable units;

3) Sites: the combined works of man and nature, being areas which are partially built upon and sufficiently distinctive and homogeneous to be topographically definable and are of conspicuous historical, archaeological, artistic, scien-fic, social or technical interest.

Identification of properties to be protected

Article 2

For the purpose of precise identification of the monuments, groups of buildings and sites to be protected, each Party undertakes to maintain inventories and in the event of threats to the properties concerned, to prepare appropriate documentation at the earliest opportunity.

Statutory protection procedures

Article 3

Each Party undertakes:

1) To take statutory measures to protect the architectural heritage;