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The adaptation when appropriate of old buildings for new uses.

Article 12

While recognising the value of permitting public access to protected properties, each Party undertakes to take such action as may be necessary to ensure that the consequences of permiting this access, especially any structural development, do not adversely affect the architectural and historical character of such properties and their surroundings.

Article 13

In order to facilitate the implementation of these policies, each Party undertakes to foster, within its own political and administrative structure, effective cooperation at all levels between conservation, cultural, environmental and planning activities.

Participation and associations Article 14

With a view to widening the impact of public authority measures for the identification, protection, restoration, maintenance, management and promotion of the architectural heritage, each Party undertakes:

1) To establish in the various stages of the decision-making process, appropriate machinery for the supply of information, consultation and. co-operation between the State, the regional and local authorities, cultural institutions and associations, and the public;

2) To foster the development of sponsorship and of non-profit-making associations working in this field.

Information and training

Article 15

Each Party undertakes:

1) To develop public awareness of the value of conserving the architectural heritage, both as an element of cultural identity and as a source of inspiration and creativity for present and future generations;

2) To this end, to promote policies for disseminating information and fostering increased awareness, especially by the use of modern communication and promotion techniques, aimed in particular:

a) At awakening or increasing public interest, as from school-age, in the protection of the heritage, the quality of the built environment and architecture;

b) At demonstrating the unity of the cultural heritage and the links that exist between architecture, the arts, popular traditions and ways of life at European, national and regional levels alike.

Article 16

Each Party undertakes to promote training in the various occupations and craft trades involved in the conservation of the architectural heritage.

European co-ordination of conservation policies

Article 17

The Parties undertake to exchange information on their conservation policies concerning such matters as:

1) The methods to be adopted for the survey, protection and conservation of properties having regard to historic developments and to any increase in the number of properties concerned;

2) The ways in which the need to protect the architectural heritage can best be reconciled with the needs of contemporary economic, social and cultural activities;

3) The possibilities afforded by new technologies for identifying and recording the architectural heritage and combating the deterioration of materials as well as in the fields of scientific research, restoration work and methods of managing and promoting the heritage;

4) Ways of promoting architectural creation as our age's contribution to the European heritage.

Article 18

The Parties undertake to afford, whenever necessary, mutual technical assistance, in the form of exchanges of experience and of experts in the conservation of the architectural heritage.

Article 19

The Parties undertake, within the framework of the relevant national legislation, or the international agreements, to encourage-European exchanges of specialists in the conservation of the architectural heritage, including those responsible for further training.

Article 20

For the purposes of this Convention, a Committee of experts set up by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe pursuant to article 17 of the Statute of the Council of Europe shall monitor the application of the Convention and in particular:

1) Report periodically to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the situation of architectural heritage conservation policies in the States Parties to the Convention, on the implementation of the principles embodied in the Convention and on its own activities;

2) Propose to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe measures for the implementation of the Convention's provisions, such measures being deemed to include multilateral activities, revision or amendment of the Convention and public information about the purpose of the Convention;