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13 DE MAIO DE 1999


Pour la Grèce:

Pour l'Islande:

Pour l'Italie:

Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg:

Pour le Royaume des Pays-Bas:

Pour le Royaume de Norvège:

Pour le Portugal:

Pour le Royaume d'Espagne:

Pour la République de la Turquie:

Pour le Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et l'Irlande du Nord:

Pour les États-Unis d'Amérique:


Considering the Declaration on Peace and Cooperation issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Rome on 7th and 8th November 1991 calling for the establishment of a North Atlantic Cooperation Council and the North Atlantic Cooperation Council Statement on Dialogue, Partnership and Cooperation of 20th December 1991;

Noting the Partnership for Peace invitation issued and signed by the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels on 10th January 1994;

Recognizing the need to determine the status of the missions and representatives of Third States to the Organization;

Considering that the purpose of immunities and privileges contained in the present Agreement is not to benefit individuals but to ensure the efficient performance of their functions in connection with the Organization:

The Parties to the present Agreement have agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purpose of the present Agreement:

«Organization» means the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization; «Member State» means a State Party to the North

Atlantic Treaty done in Washington on 4th April


«Third State» means a State which is not a party to the North Atlantic Treaty done in Washington on 4th April 1949, and which has accepted the invitation to the Partnership for Peace and subscribed to the Partnership for Peace Framework Document, is a Member State of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council or is any other State invited by the North Atlantic Council to establish a mission to the Organization.

Article 2

a) The Member State in whose territory the Organization has its Headquarters shall accord to the missions of Third States to the Organization and the members of their staff the immunities and privileges accorded to diplomatic missions and their staff.

b) In addition, the Member State in whose territory the Organization has its Headquarters shall accord the customary immunities and privileges to the representatives of Third States, on temporary mission, who are not covered by paragraph a) of the present article, while