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5 | II Série A - Número: 059S1 | 31 de Janeiro de 2014



The Portuguese Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), hereinafter referred to as "the Parties" or as Portugal and FAO respectively, Having regard to the mutual interest in boosting cooperation to develop activities in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and food in all regions of the world, in particular in the Portuguese Speaking African Countries as well as in East Timor, and having regard to the mutual advantages resulting from the aforementioned cooperation, Convinced of the importance of establishing mechanisms which contribute to attaining this objective, Have agreed to conclude the following Framework Agreement:

Article I Purpose and scope of the Framework Agreement

1. The objective of the present Framework Agreement is to promote the relations between Portugal and FAO as a starting point for projects, programmes and activities in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and food.
2. The Parties shall undertake to conceive and implement, by mutual agreement, projects, programmes and activities in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and food in accordance with the conditions set out herein.
3. The present Framework Agreement shall apply to all projects, programmes and activities jointly carried out by Portugal and FAO, in Portugal, in FAO headquarters and, as the case may be, in other countries with funding distributed by the Portuguese Administration as a whole (central administration, autonomous regions and local authorities). It shall also cover all fields related to agriculture, fisheries and food.
4. The Parties may conclude complementary agreements within the scope of this Framework Agreement and whenever they deem it necessary to carry out cooperation projects, programmes and activities in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and food, including initiatives aimed at, among other things, providing young professionals with training at work, as well as improving their capacity during their eventual visits to FAO. 5. Such complementary agreements shall define such relevant terms and conditions as are necessary for the implementation of cooperation projects, programmes and activities, including terms and conditions regarding financial commitments, intellectual property rights and settlement of disputes.

Article II Mixed Commission

1. Both Parties agree to establish a Mixed Commission responsible for planning, monitoring and evaluating in order to facilitate the execution of this Framework Agreement.
2. The Mixed Commission shall be composed of ten members, the representatives from each Party being equal in number (five). The Mixed Commission shall be chaired alternately by the head of the delegation of each Party. As far as Portugal is concerned, the Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) shall chair its delegations which shall also include representatives from the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, I.P. (Portuguese Tropical Research Institute), Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. (Portuguese Institute for Development and Language), and from the Ministério da Agricultura, do Mar, do Ambiente, e do Ordenamento do Território (Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning). FAO shall appoint a senior official who, supported by relevant units of the Organization, shall chair its delegation. 3. The Mixed Commission shall approve the previously agreed cooperation projects, programmes and activities within the framework of interterritorial coordination administrative mechanisms provided for in the Portuguese legislation, as well as the financial, administrative and other features and conditions of those cooperation projects, programmes and activities, in accordance with the Portuguese legislation and FAO rules and regulations.