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Relator do Parlamento Europeu: Sr. Giorgos Katiforis.

Às 12 horas e 15 minutos — síntese e conclusões.

(*) A Comissão dos Assuntos Económicos e Monetários e da Política Industrial gostaria que as exposições introdutórias sobre cada assunto fossem feitas por representantes dos parlamentos nacionais.



Third Meeting between the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committees of the National Parliaments and the European Parliament

Towards the single currency 28-29 May 1998 - Brussels - Room LEO 1A02

First half day —tuesday 28 May 1996, from 3 pm to 6.30 pm

3 pm — presentation by Mrs Nicole Fontaine, vice-chairman of the European Parliament, in charge of the relations with the Parliaments of Member States.

Single currency, employment and economic policy (with the participation of Mr de Sllguy, commissioner)

3.15 pm-3.30 pm — introduction by Mr von Wogau, chairman of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy.

3.30 pm-4.45 pm — Reduce the public deficits and create jobs?

Introductory statements by:

Mr Karl-Heinz Scherhag, Bundestag (D) (*); Mr Maurice Ligot, Assemblée nationale (F) (*).

Rapporteur for the European Parliament: Mr Alman Metten. '

4.45 pm-6.30 pm — Which European economic policy? Introductory statements by:

Mr Fernandez de Traconiz, Congreso de los

Diputados (ES) (*); Mr Hoogervorst, Tweede Kamer des

Statengeneraal (NL) (*).

Rapporteur for the European Parliament: Mr Patrick Cox.

6.30 pm — reception hosted by Mr Karl von Wogau, chairman of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, near the meeting room.

8.30 pm — dinner hosted by the European Parliament at the restaurant Aux Armes de Bruxelles (rue des Bouchers, 13) (a coach will be waiting for the participants at 8.00 pm at the entrance of LEO building, ground floor).

Second half day — Wednesday 29 May, from 9 am to 12.30 pm

Relations between participating end non-participating countries In stage three of EMU

9.00 am-9.15 am — opening remarks by Mrs Christa Randzio-Plath, chair of the Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs.

9.15 am-10.45 am —A new EMS?

Introductory statements by:

Lord Desai, House of Lords (UK) (*);

Mr Yannis Yannakopoulos, Greek Parliament (*).

Rapporteur for the European Parliament: Mr Fernand Herman.

10.45 am-12.15 pm — How to deal with financial markets pressure?

Introductory statements by:

Mr Paul Hatry, Sénat (B) (*); Mr Joel Hasse Ferreira, Assemblée pour la République (P) (*).

Rapporteur for the European Parliament: Mr Giorgos Katiforis.

12.15 pm — summing up and conclusions.

(*) The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy wanted introductory statements on each topic to. be made by representatives from the National Parliaments.

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Draft Timetable

29-30 May (Room LEO 1A02)

Wednesday 29 May 1996, afternoon


1 — Adoption of draft agenda.

3 — Chairman's announcements.

7 — Procurement procedures, excluded sectors (Langen).

8—Common VAT System (Langen).


10 — 2d annual report of the BMU (Gasoliba) — adoption.


5 — Hearing of experts: industrial restructuration in the EU and relocation (Hautala).

18.30;—coordinator's meeting.

Thursday 30 May 1996, morning


Results of the coordinator's meeting.

2 — Approval of minutes.


11 — 3d stage of EMU (von Wogau) — adoption.

12 — Impact of Currency fluctuations on the internal market (Perez Royo) — adoption.