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registered in the territory of the other Party to more severe conditions than those that are imposed on vehicles

registered in its own country.

2. When the weight and /or the dimensions of a vehicle of one of the Parties, loaded or unloaded, exceeds

the maximum limits admissible on the territory of the other Party, a special authorization is required from the

competent authority of this Party.

3. Whenever the authorization stipulates that the vehicle must use a specific itinerary, it shall be valid only

for that itinerary.

Article 12


1. If a transport operator of one of the Parties, or his driving personnel, when on the territory of the other

Party, infringes the provisions of this Agreement or its national legislation, the competent authority of the Party

where the transport operator is established shall, at the request of the competent authority of the other Party,

adopt one of the following measures:

a) Issue a warning; or

b) Withdraw, on a temporary or permanent basis, partially or totally, the right to perform transports under the

provisions of this Agreement on the territory of the Party where the infringement has been committed.

2. The competent authority that requested the adoption of a sanction shall be informed, as soon as possible,

of its effective adoption.

3. The provisions of this Article shall apply without prejudice of any sanction provided for by the national

legislation of the Party in whose territory the infringement was committed.

Article 13


The authorizations – or a certified copy thereof in the case of regular passenger services – as well as any

control document required under the provisions of this Agreement shall be carried on board of the vehicle and

be presented upon request of the control authorities.

Article 14

Additional Provisions

1. The Law in force in both Parties shall apply in all matters that are not regulated by the provisions of this

Agreement or by other international agreements which are binding for both Parties.

2. Authorizations and permits, as required under the provisions of this Agreement, are personal and not


Article 15

Competent Authorities

1. The competent authorities for implementing this Agreement are:

c) For the Portuguese Republic:

Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres, IP.

Av. das Forças Armadas, 40

1649 - 022 LISBOA

Ph.: 00351-21-7949172/3

Fax: 00351-21-7949003