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16 DE SETEMBRO DE 2016 77

d) For the Republic of Moldova:

Ministry of Transport and Road Industry

162, Stefan cel Mare şi Sfînt Bd.

MD-2004, Chisinau

Ph.: 00373-22-820711

Fax: 00373-22-546564

2. The competent authorities stipulated in paragraph 1 of this Article, shall contact each other directly.

Article 16

Implementation of the Agreement

The competent authorities of the Parties shall keep each other mutually informed of any change in national

law affecting the application of the present Agreement.

Article 17

Joint Committee

1. A Joint Committee is established, composed of representatives of both Parties, in order to define the

conditions for implementing this Agreement, namely in the form of a Protocol.

2. Representatives of other institutions may be invited to participate in the Joint Committee meetings.

3. The Joint Committee is competent to:

a) Advise on the establishment of regular passenger services, namely on what concerns their operational


b) Agree on the establishment of a yearly quota as referred to in Article 6;

c) Submit for approval any changes to the list of exemptions from authorization for transport foreseen in Article

5 and in Article 7;

d) Agree on the forms for authorization and control documents as stipulated in paragraph 4 of Article 6;

e) Agree on the conditions of the authorization of triangular transports;

f) Settle any questions arising from the application of the present Agreement;

g) Adopt any measures needed to promote international transports both of goods and passengers, between

the territories of the Parties.

4. The Joint Committee shall hold its meetings alternately on the territories of the Parties at the request of the

competent authorities of either Party.


Final provisions

Article 18

Settlement of Disputes

3. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement shall be settled within

the Joint Committee.

4. If the Joint Committee cannot reach agreement, the Parties shall settle the disputes by negotiation, through

diplomatic channels.

Article 19

Entry into Force

The present Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the receipt of the last notification,

in writing and through diplomatic channels, stating that all the internal procedures of both Parties required for the