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The competent authorities of both contracting parties may communicate with each other, to the possible extent, all the useful information which may contribute to the development of commercial exchanges between the two countries.


The contracting parties shall, subject to the laws and regulations in force in their respective countries and on conditions agreed upon by the competent authorities of both parties, allow the importation and exportation free of customs duties, taxes and other similar charges not related to the payment for services, the following:

a) Samples of goods and publicity of no commer-

cial value;

b) Goods imported for the purpose of fairs and

exhibitions on condition that they may not be sold or otherwise disposed of;

c) Goods imported temporarily repair and re-ex-



Each contracting party will grant, within the limits of the iaws and regulations in force in its country, all the possible facilities for the transhipment, deposit and transit of goods consigned to the other contracting party


1 — With the aim securing the full implementation of the provisions of this agreement, a joint committee will be established consisting of representatives from both contracting parties.

2 — The joint committee will meet, alternatively, in the capitals of both countries, at the request of one the contracting parties.

3 — This joint committee will be able to recommend to both Governments all the measures it might deem necessary for the improvement of trade relations between both countries.


The provisions of this agreement shall continue to apply to contracts concluded during the validity of this agreement but not fulfilled before its expiry.


1 — This agreement shall come into force on a date to be fixed by an exchange of notes between the Governments of the two countries, and shall remain in force for a period of one year, to be automatically renewed thereafter for a further period of one year, unless one contracting party gives a written notice of its termination three months prior to the expiry of

2 — On the coming into operation of this agreement, the provisions of all former agreements relating to

trade between the contracting parties shall cease to have force or effect.

Done in Harare, on the 10th Septembre 1982 with two originals, in English and Portuguese languages, both texts equally authentic.

For the Government of the Republic of Portugal: (Assinatura ilegível.)

For the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe: (Assinatura ilegível.)

Acordo comercial entre o Governo da República do Zimbabwe e o Governo da República Portuguesa

0 Governo da República do Zimbabwe e o Governo da República Portuguesa, desejosos de desenvolver as relações comerciais entre os dois países, com base nos princípios de igualdade e das vantagens recíprocas, acordam no seguinte:


1 — As duas partes contratantes concedem-se, reciprocamente, o tratamento da nação mais favorecida, em conformidade com as disposições do Acordo Geral sobre as Tarifas e Comércio (GATT).

2 — Este tratamento só será aplicável às mercadorias originárias e provindas dos territórios das partes contratantes.

3 — A determinação da origem das mercadorias objecto de intercâmbio entre os dois países será feita em conformidade com as leis e regulamentos vigentes no país importador.


1 — As disposições deste Acordo não são aplicáveis:

a\ Às vantagens que uma das partes contratantes conceda ou venha a conceder aos países vizinhos com vista a facilitar o tráfego fronteiriço;

6) Às vantagens resultantes da integração acíual ou futura numa união aduaneira ou uma zona de comércio livre por uma das partes contratantes;

c) Às preferências ou vantagens concedidas por uma das partes contratantes a qualquer país, à data da conclusão do presente Acordo, ou às que vierem a substituir aquelas.


Os pagamentos relativos ao intercâmbio das mercadorias e serviços.que tiverem lugar no quadro do presente Acordo serão efectuados em divisas convertíveis de acordo com as legislações vigentes nos dois países.


Com vista a encorajar o desenvolvimento das relações comerciais entre os dois países, cada uma das partes