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810-(6) II SÉRIE - NÚMERO 78

ii) An estimate of the expenditure likely to be incurred during the remaining period covered by the Agreement.

ARTICLE VII Disbursements

1 — Unless otherwise provided funds made available by Sweden shall be deposited to an account notified by Portugal in order of Governo Português, Direcção-Geral do Tesouro, at the beginning of each quarter of the financial year.

2 — The amount of each disbursement shall correspond to a request by Direcção-Geral do Tesouro as submitted to Sweden prior to the beginning of each quarter.

3 — Such request shall be based on an estimate of the expenditure to be covered by Swedish contributions during that quarter. Amounts already disbursed by Swedten but which are expected to remain unutilized at the beginning of the quarter shall be taken into account when such estimate is made.

4 — The request shall be supported by.

a) Information on transfers made by Direcção-

-Geral do Tesouro for the various purposes, referred to in annex I, or stated in any other arrangement between the Parties; and

b) Such other information or evidence as the

Parties may have agreed upon.

5 — Amounts disbursed hut not utilized by the end of the period covered by this Agreement shall be taken into account when amounts of subsequent withdrawals are calculated.

ARTICLE VIII Information

Without prejudice to the provisions of any other arrangement between the Parties Portugal shall by December 31, 1977, submit to Sweden a report related to the use of the resources made available under this Agreement for the various items listed in annex I..

Portugal shall:

a) Furnish or cause -to be furnished to Sweden

all such information as the latter might reasonably request relating to the use of the Swedish contribution, the goods and services acquired and activities supported by the contribution; and

b) Whenever appropriate and praticable, enable

representatives of Sweden to study the various activities supported by Sweden.

ARTICLE IX Competent authorities


a) The implementation of this Agreement and

the approval of changes to the annexes;

b) The approval of reallocations between differ-

ent projects and sectors; and

c) The conclusion of any other arrangement

between the Parties,

the Swedish International Development Authority, SIDA, shall be competent to represent! Sweden and the Ministry of Foreing Affairs shall be competent to represent Portugal unless otherwise notified by one or the other of the Governments.

ARTICLE X Miscellaneous

Any notice or request under this Agreement shall be in writing.

Whenever it shall be necessary for the purposes of this Agreement to determine the value off any other currency in terms of Swedish kroner, such value shall be determined by Sweden on >the basis of the current market selling rates or, if no such rate shall exist, such rate as Sweden shall reasonably determine after consultation with Portugal.

ARTICLE XI Entry into force and termination

This Agreement shall corns into effect on the date of signature and shall remain valid until both Governments have fulfilled their obligations thereunder or six months after written notice is given by either of the Parties. No cancellation or suspension shaîJ apply to amounts disbursed or withdrawn before the date of the termination.

Done in two original texts in English, in Lisbon, on the 20th June 1977.

For the Government of Portugal: José Medeiros Ferreira.

For the Government of Sweden:-Ola Lilisten.


Estimated costs for the development co-operation between Sweden and Portugal