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31 DE MAIO DE 1978



Provisions in respect off purchase and delivery of goods

1 — If goods are to be purchased by Sweden, the following information shall be given to SIDA:

1) Number of items;

2) Detailed description of the piece of equipment

and the purposes and use of it (if possible also catalogue number and name of the supplier);

3) Consignes;

4) Time of delivery;

5) Mode of transportation (vessel/air-freighi);

6) Marking of goods;

7) Port of destination;

8) Shipping agency.

2 — AM consignments delivered by Sweden shall be insured.

3 _ Sweden shall deliver the goods to Portugal or its agent at such port as shall be agreed between the two Parties.

4 — Sweden shall notify Portugal of the estimated date of arrival of each consignment immediately upon loading of vessel at the port of loading and also forward invoices and relevant shipping documents.

5 — With respect to the delivery of goods at Portuguese ports, Portugal shall:

Take all responsability for the reception of cargo, including prompt issue of import licences;

Take all responsability for the storage and early onward transportation;

Defray all costs and fees, such as custom duties and harbour fees;

Notify Sweden of the import clearance agents that Portugal will use and the type of documentation required for customs clearance;

Take on its account as consignee with respect to any consignment such demurrage and dispatch as may accrue at ports of delivery.


Obligations in regard to personnel made available by the Swedish Government

1 — Obligations of Sweden.

1.1—Sweden shall pay salaries and related emoluments, with the exceptions mentioned in paragraph 2 below, and transportation to Portugal for taking up service and from Portugal after completion of service.

1.2 — Sweden shall endeavour to train and otherwise adequately prepare the personnel for their functions in Portugal. Such training may include orientation in Portugal before and during assignment. Portugal shall support and facilitate such incountry orientation.

1.3 — Sweden shall afford medical services and health facilities for the personnel and their spouses and dependants. The expenditure incurred snail be debited to the annual financial frame of Swedish assistance to Portugal.

2 — Obligations of Portugal.

Portugal shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, in kind:

2.1 — Reasonable furnished housing, Sor personnel who are to serve in Portugal for a continuous period of more than six months.

Housing shall be provided at tike arrival of such personnel;

2.2 — Hotel accomodations exclusive of meals, laundry and telephone for the personnel, and their spouses and dependants, if the period of assignment does not exceed six months or until housing under subparagraph 2.1 above has been provided;

2.3 — If Portugal should not fulfil its obligations under subparagraphs 2.1 and 2.2 above, SIDA shalf arrange for equivalent accomodation. The expenditure thus incurred by SIDA shall be debited to the annual financial frame of Swedish assistance to Portugal;

2.4 —Office space and related facilities for officia" purposes as provided civil servents of comparable status, or, as the case may be, tools and other equipment and facilities necessary for the performance by the personnel of their duties.

Portugal shall:

25 — Defray costs of official travel outside duty station, including hotel costs and allowance, in accordance with Portuguese regulations for official travel;

2.6— Grant the personnel annual and sick leave in accordance with their terms of employment with Sweden, which shall be made known to Portugal by Sweden;

2.7 — Inform Sweden when annual and sick leave is granted to personnel;

2-8 — Grant the personnel and their spouses and dependants necessary entry, exit and other permits. The expatriate personnel shall:

2.9 —Be exempt in Portugal from taxation and related charges on salaries and emoluments paid to them by Sweden;

2.10 — Have the right of opening a bank accoucd in Portugal for his personal needs;

211 — Have, together with their spouses and deoem-dants, the right to import free of customs duty and other similar charges, new as well as used household goods and personal effects within six months after their first arrival in Portugal. In special! oases tlhe period may be extended.

The term «personal affects» shall include for each household i. a. one motor vehicle, one radio, one record player, one tape recorder, one TV set, one refrigerator, one deep freezer, one washing machine, one washingup machine, one minor electrical appliance and one set of photographie and cine equipment. If these articles are disposed of otherwise Chan to a person entitled to the same privileges, appropriate duty shall be paid thereon. If the motor vehicle is totally damaged by accident or lost by theft, or fir the term of service in Portugal of the owner shcuM be prolonged to more than three years, he shall foe entitled to buy a second car in replacement of tfce first one, according to the provisions of this subsection;

2.12 — Have the right to export such goods and effects at the termination of their services;

2.13 — Be exempt from registration requerimeats applying to their profession;

2.14 — Have the right to require service certificate after completion of duty.